
Free Standing Fireplace, More Space More Ideas

Free Standing Fireplace

Free standing fireplace is also known as the fireplace inserts is a fireplace that installed in the inside of the existing fireplace with new fuel like gas, coal, or even electric. The fireplace inserts also makes you able to choose the fuel and the ventilation procedure. Usually they are installed in the unused fireplace, so rather than building a new fireplace, you can simply use this kind of method.

The advantages using free standing fireplace
The traditional fireplace provides the warmth and comfortable fires, but it is hard to be clean and not very effective in cost. While the fireplace inserts provides you the warmth and loveable looking fire burning the woods with a ventilation free fireplace using gas as the fuel. It is an eco-friendly option because none of the fuel will harm the atmosphere.

The traditional fireplace are using woods as the fuel, but the fireplace inserts are using either gas, propane, coal, or even electric as the fuel. When the traditional one has the old and dusty look, the fireplace insert comes in many styles, sizes, even color to match your home decoration. The traditional fireplace using bricks which is stuck together with your house wall and no window attached while the inserts made from steel or iron with a glass window that makes them more safety yet still have the loveable look of fire.

The fireplace inserts nowadays also using the fans and thermostat. But most of them are made with ventilation below the fireplace inserts, get heated in the main room of the inserts and get out from the above ventilation. The free standing fireplace has disadvantages too which are pretty expensive to install and you have to use your unused old fireplace. If you do not have one then it will not work for you.

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