
Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace Review

Description: Today, we want to review a wall mounted electric fireplace that’s trendy in year 2015. We hope you enjoy and are able to list down your own consideration points.

Wall mounted electric fireplace is one of the proofs that technology will never stop being developed. Not stopping with the concept of wall mounted fireplace, that is relatively new and fresh compared to the classic form of fireplace, the electric factor is also inserted to let everyone enjoy the warmth without worrying about the wood, lit fire and smoke.

Wall Mounted Electric Fireplace Review: Raleigh Espresso by ChimneyFree
Raleigh Espresso is often spotted on designers’ summary about the trendy fireplace in this year. Though it’s been the second half of 2015, it’s not too late to have this one regarding to the advantages you can earn. It is an electric fireplace that suits both freestanding and wall mounting model. It appears in compact size, so it will fit in small space and complement the large space as well. It has a reliable capacity that up to 1,000 square feet area can be heated up, with only 5,200 BTUs and standard 120-volt outlet usage. In addition, the flame is flexible to adjust and able to be utilized for years.

The fireplace can double-do its function to heat the room. A flat-screen television can be held by the mantel, along with the open shelves situated above the firebox measured 23 inches wide. Through only one thing, you are going to grab three conveniences quickly. Finally, a sound system installed above the firebox will allow you to control the temperature, plus, you may spend some money on a sound system to create realistic effect of fireplace. 

We can say that wall mounted electric fireplace is excellent. When we are mentioning style, this object sure is attractive and fashionable. When we are touching the economic side, such fireplace will keep your heating bills relatively low. Most importantly, the fireplace is nice in offering modern space heating, also with exclusive design, and efficient setup. 

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