
Swimming Pond: Free Chemical Swimming Pool

Swimming Pond: Free Chemical Swimming Pool

Swimming pond is a way clearer and cleaner than swimming pool because it avoids chemical substances. Many people love to swim, yet they do not like the chlorine because the chlorine will make their skin dry and flaky. The condition can be worse if you have a sensitive skin, the chemical substance can me your skin itchy. This natural swimming pool comes as a solution of those problems. This natural swimming pool was firstly constructed in the mid of 1980’s in Germany and Austria, then it becomes popular until now.

Swimming pond offers you extraordinary experiences. It provides fresh water, plants, green landscape and the most important thing is free from chemical substance. You can plant water lilies, sedges or the other plants in the pool. This pool has walls that separate between the pool and the plant area. This pool is surrounded by plants and the water flow is connected between the pool and the plant area, so it may attract the animal such as mosquitos, water strider and dragonfly. But, you do not need to be worry, you may install skimmer to chase away the animal.

In addition, if you want to construct this natural pool, it is required to install ultraviolet sterilizer and pump area. The pump can filter the water that make the water clean. Ultraviolet sterilizer can protect you from evil and dangerous bacteria; this equipment is also used in Aquarium to protect the fish from viruses, bacteria, algae and protozoa. The owner of this natural pool has double protection. The first protection is from artificial equipment such as skimmer, ultraviolet sterilizer and pump filter and the second protection is from plants that can provide fresh water and beautify the landscape. If you already had the swimming pool, do not be upset because you can convert your old swimming pool into swimming pond. 

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