
Some Rules Of Using Port Wine Glasses

As you know that wine is a precious drink, the vessel to carry must be special, depending on wine type. For beginner, there are plenty stuff you must remember which relates with wine and its glasses. Port wine glasses are the most flexible dessert wine and can be used in any event or party. You might actually know how port wine glass looks like, but you just do not realize that it is port wine glass. another wine glass you might already familiar with is standard sweet. If you do not know which one is port and standard sweet, you should know how to distinguish it because it is actually two different type of wine glasses.

Port wine glass has foot, stem, and round bowl, so does standard sweet. Then, how do you distinguish it? a port wine glass is shorter that standard sweet. Also, the lower bowl looks a bit sharper than the standard sweet. 4 set of port wine glasses cost around 50 USD. It is also available in 6 set and usually cost around 65 USD. If you are looking for port wine that can be used in any party, just go with the standard port wine glass with normal bowl shape. Because if you choose the one which has indentation, it is better to be used in formal party.

Now that you know how does port wine glass look like, you should know the right way to pour the wine, including the position and the amount. Unlike red wine glass which correctly only has around 1/3 red wine in it, for port wine glass, you should pour it untill a half glass is filled. If you pour too much or too little, people will consider you do not know anything about being a good bartender or host, and sometimes they think that you are disrespecting them. Not only knowing about the shape, you should also know port wine glasses rules.

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